Spaced Apart Rooted Together is a floor mural that runs the whole way through Holcombe market in Tottenham, North London. The mural has been created to aid with social distancing in the market to help protect both shoppers and market traders. The installation happened in January 2021.

The message of the art work celebrates the spirit and resilience of the community. The bold colours and placement aims to attract people into the market. This art work was a collaboration with Lana Huges Studio. We were commissioned by Haringey Council to create the mural project. We worked closely with the traders to develop the mural idea. The inspiration for the artwork came from creative engagement and references the long history of the market.

At this moment in time where we have to keep apart, we wanted to remind people that we are still connected and being physically distanced does not mean you are alone. The bright colours lift your spirits as you walk down the street and pulls you into the market.

The new designs are very colourful and
impactful, and our customers are now able to
monitor their distance from one another in a
creative way
— Andy Hall, owner of Hall’s Greengrocers
“We wanted the social distance messaging to be playful rather than commanding. We are all doing our best and a friendly reminder is an approach we prefer.”